
Field Study #6 - 11/30/17

Area Observation Picture Other Pictures: This was the first time in quite a while that the weather has been decent while I made these observations. Regardless, everything is dead. There are no leaves on the  trees and no flowers in the field. I startled something out of the tall grass (possibly a rabbit), but saw no animals. It is completely different than my first visit. Additional Information: 11/26/17                2:22 pm Sunny, 43º F          West/Southwest wind at 18mph Sunrise:  7:51 am          Sunset:  5:13 pm

Field Study #5 - 11/15/17

Area Observation Picture: Other Pictures: It was raining fairly hard when I visited my location, but everything looked to be either dying or dead. The last leaves are falling off the trees, and with the exception of a handful of  crows, I did not see any animals. I had to search for quite some time to find a plant that was still colorful.  Additional Information 11/15/17          4:03 pm Raining, 48º F        West wind at 13mph Sunrise: 7:37 am          Sunset: 5:21 pm

Field Study #4 - 10/31/17

Area Observation Picture(s) Other Pictures This was a really crummy day so I didn't spend long, but I noticed that the trees were more than  1/2 bare of leaves. I did not see any animals this time, and most of the plant life is  either beginning to die or has already died. The above pictures are of the few plants that yet remain alive and colorful. Additional Information 10/29/17         4:22 pm Cloudy,  44ºF       West wind at 7mph sunrise: 8:16 am        sunset: 6:40 pm

Field Study #3 - 10/15/17

Area Observation Picture: Other Pictures: I noticed many of the same plants as during my previous times, but most were dead or dying. The trees had shed a lot of their leaves already, and there was very little green. I did not spot any animals this time. Additional Information: 10/15/17       3:23 pm Cloudy, 54º F     Northwest wind at 13 mph Sunrise at 7:59 am       Sunset at 7:02 pm

Field Study #2 - 9/30/17

Area Observation Picture: Other Pictures: This time around I noticed a lot of the same plants as last time, along with a couple of new ones. Some of the plants are beginning to die, and the leaves are starting to fall. I did not see any animals barring a handful of crickets.  Additional Information: 9/29/17     4:43 pm Sunny,  61º F      West wind at 4mph Sunrise: 7:27 am    Sunset: 7:16 pm

Field Study #1 - 9/15/17

Area Observation Picture: Other Photos and Observations: I noticed a lot of different flowers and plant life along the tree line and in the field. I did spot a solitary rabbit and an abundance of crickets but was not able to get a  picture of either.  Additional Information: 9/14/17    4:17 pm Sunny, 72º F    West wind at 5mph Sunrise: 7:23 am      Sunset: 7:55 pm

Field Study Video
